Tuesday, 7 June 2016


What is a MIHI? 
A Maori MIHI is a greeting/introduction that includes information about yourself.

Questions about your Mihi 

Ko wai to ingoa? - What is your name
Ko wai koe? - Who are you?
Ko wai taku ingoa? - What s my name?
Ko wai au/ahau? - Who am I?
Ko wai tana ingoa? - What is his/her name?
Ko wai ia? - Who is he/she?
Ko wai to papa? - Who is your dad?
Ko wai to mama? - Who is your mum?

Answering your Mihi 

Ko ___ taku ingoa (My name is ___)
 ___ aku tau/ (I am ___ years old)
 Ko ___ taku mama (My mum's name is ___) Ko ___ taku papa (My dad's name is ___)
 I tipu ake au i ___ ( I am from ___) 
Ko ___ taku iwi ( My ancestors are from___) 

Key words 

koe - you
to -  your
ia - he/she
ahau - I,me
tana - his/her
taku - my

What is a PEPEHA? 
The PEPEHA is the way to introduce yourself in Maori. This is a general PEPEHA.


Ko ________ te iwi (add name of your nearest tribe/village)
Ko ________ te maunga (add the name of your nearest mountain)
Ko ________ te awa (add the name of your nearest harbour)
Ko ________ te waka (add name of your nearest vessel)
Ko ________ te hapu (add name of where your family is from)
Ko ________ te rangatira (add name of your parents)
Ko ________ te marae (add name of your house/gathering place)
Ko ________ ahau (add your name)

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