Wednesday 8 June 2016

Culture Words

Here is a list of some Culture Words 

  • Hospitality - Manaakitanga 
  • Greeting, pressing of noses and forehead together - Hongi 
  • Welcome ceremony on a marae - Pohiri 
  • Song - Waiata 
  • Gathering - Hui 
  • Formal Speech - Whaikorero 
  • Topic - Kaupapa 
  • Places were Pohiri takes place - Marae 
  • Marae protocols - Kawa 
  • Ceremonial call - Karanga 
  • Sacred - Tapu 
  • Sub tribe - Hapu 
  • Hosts, local people - Tangatawhenua 
  • Guest, visitor, - Manuhiri 
  • Tribe - Iwi 
  • Procedure, Custom - Tikanga 
  • Ordinary, free from tapu - Noa 
  • Relative - Whanaunga 
  • Ceremonial dance - Haka 
  • Prestige - Mana
  • To great - Mihi 
  • Handshake - Ruru 

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